Look slimmer without losing weight

Want to look pounds lighter? Stand up straight!

Slouching can make you seem frumpy, look 5-10 pounds heavier, emphasize "rolls". Sitting and standing up tall elongates the body and creates a slimmer appearance.

It also gives the appearance that you are:

~ Confident
~ Comfortable
~ Cool
~ Lighter
~ Stylish
~ Taller

Here are some exercises to help improve your spinal positioning and strengthen your posture:

1. Stand against a wall and press your shoulder blades down your back. Allow your lower lower back to keep its natural curve. Keeping your chest lifted and your chin parallel to the floor, hold this position. Breathe in and out fully 10 times.

2. Sit in a sturdy chair with your back straight and your abdominal muscles pulled in (breath naturally). Place your feet firmly on the ground hip width apart. Extend the arms straight forward at shoulder-level. Exhale and round the shoulders forward, then back. Pull the chin in towards the chest, contract the abdominal muscles and hold until all the air is blown out. Inhale fully as you return to the upright position and pinch the shoulder blades together. Repeat 10 times.

Do both exercises 2-3 times per day for the next week.

Action tip: Think regal, dahling. Work to create new habits by being aware of your posture today. Sit and walk like the wonderful diva you are -- or at least act like you believe you are until you do!

More posture perfect info...

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