"Stress doesn't go with my outfit." - Unknown

Whether you're the bride-to-be, a bridesmaid or a guest, stress is a regular and very normal part of life for all of us. After all, you're a go-getter, right! 

Well, while you can't avoid stress altogether (bummer!) you can control how you react to it. 

In case you're ever on one of those TV game shows and need to know for the win, the word "stress" as we currently use it is a subjective term coined by Hans Selye in 1936. (you're welcome, just remember me when you do win, ok). Anyway, according to him, stress is (ahem, getting into my most professor-like voice) "the non-specific response of the body to any demand for change". So, any time your body is brought out of its homeostatic, or "zen" state, so to speak, there is a reaction whether perceived or not.

For most of us, we think of stress as when our nerves are on edge and we feel under pressure. 

These bodily responses can include tense muscles, aches, and pains, irritability, under-eating, over-eating, headaches, sweating, upset stomach, acne, hives, and colds. Prolonged or intense stress can even cause hair loss, brittle nails, acne and more as it can start to affect your hormones and your immune system. 

Now, there are tons of things that can trigger the stress response, including change. The stressors can be real or imagined, negative or positive. Again, it's all about perception. That's why two people can be in the exact same situation and one person is completely calm while the other is running around like a chicken with its head cut off.

So, what do you do? How do you manage stress? Are you calm like Yoda from Star Wars? Or, are you that chicken I mentioned before, or actually, maybe more like Jar Jar Binks, also from Star Wars because THAT guy, sheesh.

Well, before you answer, because who wouldn't rather be super cool like the little green dude, here are some tips to help you keep calm and learn to handle your stress like the badest Jedi Master: 

  Breathe. This helps to tell your body to stop the "fight or flight" stress response and to stop freaking out.

  Stop freaking out. Freaking out will not fix or change the situation and will likely only make it worse. Be careful not to take it out on your friends and loved ones, too. He/She/They probably had nothing to do with the issue anyway and even if they did it won't help your situation.

  Chill. Remain calm and ask questions instead of guessing. It's important to stay out of your head and to focus on finding viable solutions. 󾬑

  Do what you can to resolve the issue and/or get help. Taking action also helps you to feel like there's movement towards a resolution. 

  Be patient. This can be TOUGH. Of course, we always want to push the "easy button" to fix or change things like yesterday, but sometimes some things really do just take time. Accept it and move into the next moment of "what's next".

In the end, whatever your situation, remember that it WILL pass! Move through it as gracefully and smoothly as possible. Focus on your end goal and relax. Your wedding will be amazing no matter what because you're marrying your best friend. Right now, enjoy the journey, beautiful!

Let us know if you have any questions or what we can do to help you move closer to your Fit Bride goals, beautiful! Here's to getting a little bit better each day!



What's next? 

  • Getting married this summer or filling a bridesmaid spot yourself? Share the love and share this workout with your wedding party or even better, do it together!
  • If you missed our previous PROJECT FIT BRIDE articles on how to get started on your wedding fitness journey -
    • Want more help putting together your plan for your Fit Bride journey? Download our new eBook PROJECT FIT BRIDE. We've put together this starter guide to give you more strategies and simple steps you can implement NOW

    • If you need individual guidance creating your own wedding fitness success plan, CONTACT US at Wildfire Fitness to schedule your own brief complimentary phone consultation.

    And remember, the sooner you start you bridal fitness countdown, the better!

    To your success!

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