Write yourself in

Yesterday you were given your first assignment for the week: complete three to five 10-20 minute walks. If running, biking, or swimming is more your thing, however, go right ahead. Just put in some time to start making the habit happen.

ANYway. . . today's tip is about organizing your schedule to get the right amount of exercise. Take a good look at your calendar for the entire week. And, I mean literally take out your schedule so you can see it. Write yourself in just like the other important items you have listed there. After all, your health is arguably your greatest asset and you've goals to work on (more on that later).

If you're new to exercise or need time to organize your schedule with all the new found bridal/wedding activities, 3 days per week can be enough for now. It's better than zero and your body does need time to acclimate to your new level of activity. Ultimately, however, 5 days per week is optimal for changing and shaping your body.

Next, let the people in your life know that the time you set aside are your "sacred hours." Don't allow anything to infringe upon that time because the moment you do, the easier it will be to compromise the next time the "just this once" situation comes up.

In the end, your level of fitness and how good you feel will be based on how well you prepare and take care of yourself now. There are 162 hours in each week and you are only be asked for 3-5 hours. Remember the first commandment. If you got your 'activity' in today, HIGH FIVE! If not, tomorrow is only a day away, as Little Orphan you-know-who sang. You CAN do it! ;)

Next time: What exactly are you trying to do? Got goals?

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