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Planning a wedding can get pretty crazy. Between dress fittings, taste testing, meetings with the wedding planner and dance practice with the choreographer- the schedule of a bride-to-be can get pretty hectic. 
Sometimes with so many things to do, it's easy to forget to eat. But, not to worry. Here are 10 of our favorite quick + healthy snacks that you can bring with you while you run your bridal errands:

1. Sliced organic apple with natural peanut butter

2. Hummus with raw veggies (broccoli, carrots, sugar snap peas, etc)

3. Half peanut butter and all-fruit jelly on Dave's Killer Bread

4. Handful of almonds and cranberries

5. Small green salad with light dressing

6. Two hard boiled eggs with Kashi crackers (dash of salt, pepper, hot sauce)

7. Plain flavored soy or Greek yogurt with fresh fruit and sprinkling of walnuts

8. Sliced banana with dollop of peanut butter (Tami's early morning pre-workout fav)

9. Smoothie (toss in what you like... a banana, some kale or spinach, fruit, greek yogurt) Here's a yummy recipe for a Strawberry Banana Oatmeal smoothie from Love Grows Wild. So good!

10.  Whole grain egg tortilla wrap (scrambled egg, feta cheese, green onions, roasted veggies of your choice or avacado, green salsa)
What are some of your favorite healthy snacks for on the go?

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